SparkFun Pro nRF52840 Mini - BLUETOOTH® Development Board

SparkFun Pro nRF52840 Mini - BLUETOOTH® Development Board is designed for Nordic Semiconductor's nRF52840 RF System-on-Chip (SoC), a powerful combination of ARM Cortex®-M4 CPU and 2.4GHz BLUETOOTH-radio. This development board breaks out the most critical I/O pins, including GPIO and those needed for power, while maintaining a small footprint. SparkFun Pro nRF52840 Mini - BLUETOOTH Development Board features UART, I2C, SPI, and USB interfaces that can be used to program, power, and communicate with the chip. This development board also includes an onboard LiPo battery charger, a Qwiic connector, an on/off switch, a reset switch, and a user LED/button. The DEV-15025 board comes pre-programmed with a USB bootloader, and the user can develop programs for nRF52840's Cortex-M4 using Arduino, Circuit Python, or C. The compiled code can be loaded using a USB serial or mass-storage interface.


  • Arm Cortex-M4 CPU with a Floating Point Unit (FPU):
    • 1MB internal Flash
    • 256kB internal RAM
  • Every I/O peripheral needs:
    • USB - Turns nRF52840 into a USB mass-storage device
    • UART - Serial interfaces with support for hardware flow control if desired
    • I2C - 2-wire bi-directional bus interface
    • SPI - for the 3+ wire serial interface
    • Analog-to-digital converters (ADC) - Eight pins on the nRF52840 mini-breakout support analog inputs
    • PWM - Timer support on any pin means PWM support for driving LEDs or servo motors
    • Real-time clock (RTC) - Keep close track of seconds and milliseconds, also supports timed deep-sleep features
  • Integrated 2.4GHz radio with support for:
    • BLUETOOTH Low Energy (BLE) with peripheral and/or central BLE device support
    • ANT - to turn the device into a heart rate or exercise monitor
    • Nordic’s proprietary RF protocol - to communicate securely with other Nordic devices
  • Peripheral-multiplexing


Published: 2019-01-15 | Updated: 2023-07-25